by Jean Lowrie-Chin
National Hero Marcus Mosiah Garvey |
These are the days that send us back to the writings
of our first National Hero, that colossus of dignity and self-determination,
Marcus Mosiah Garvey. The Jamaican legend pulled no punches as he instructed
his followers about education, employment and ambition. He warned them about
preserving their respect and not becoming ‘a bum or hobo race’.
Garvey must be weeping to see the statistics of electricity
theft in the prize constituencies of long-standing leaders – as high as 89
percent of users! I was surprised at the
accusation of elitism in the JPS action from a politician I like – Damion
Crawford – but relieved at the chorus of subsequent declarations that “we do
not condone stealing”. Out of this
strong action by the JPS, finally a committee including government officials
has been formed, to take a serious look at this ugly practice.
Electricity theft has caused the death of many,
including the most recent incident last Wednesday when an innocent man who went
crab-hunting with friends in Hanover, got tangled in uninsulated wires thrown
up to steal electricity. I got very worried when I heard words like classist
and racist being used to describe the JPS’ action. Seriously, if you had a
store in a community from which 89 percent of the goods was stolen, wouldn’t you
lock it down?
Racist scammers
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The racist argument is what those heartless scammers are using,
as they fleece American retirees of their hard-earned savings. What impression of Americans do these scammers have?
Do they know how hard these folks work for their money? Whenever I am in US
stores and cashiers see from my ID where I live, many sigh and say they are
saving so that one day they can make that long dreamed trip to Jamaica. These
are humble, diligent folks, showing up for work through rain or snow. How will
we keep their love for Jamaica, if they hear that scamming is now being viewed
by some as an acceptable career? A report on the death of a scammer quoted his
mourning mother as saying he was “honest and hardworking”. When asked what he
did for a living she said he was a scammer!
Our leaders must ask themselves how electricity
theft and scamming became viewed by poorer folks as being acceptable. When
people become desperate, they have to rationalize their anti-social behaviour. They
become desperate when they are crammed into yards where entrance is only
allowed by a resident thug. They lose their dignity when they are packed like
sardines into buses during elections, and bullied into voting for the garrison
Valley of the shadow of threats
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Their every move is watched and they live in the
valley of the shadow of threats. Robbed of their selfhood they become T-shirted
billboards for their power-hungry representatives. They are everything Marcus
Garvey did not want them to be – dumbed down into perpetual poverty.
But it is not too late for our politicians to admit
their wrongs, open up their constituencies and allow people to regain their
humanity. Political dunceness makes colours like orange and green unwearable in
certain parts of Jamaica. We are hoping that people Marlene Malahoo Forte, Paula
Kerr-Jarrett, Kamina Johnson Smith, Julian Robinson, Dr Dayton Campbell and
Norman Grant and will help us to pave the way for a more intelligent type of
politics in our country. So instead of terrorizing people, we will have
politicians who help them to actualize their dreams.
Pray for Absolution!
Politicians who have committed atrocities should now
be praying for absolution. We know who you are – and you belong to both major
political parties. You have sinned against your people and your country – until
it had to take the IMF to curb your wasteful ways, and the JPS to explain to
you that stealing electricity is just plain thievery.
Our biggest energy crisis
The biggest energy crisis in this country is the
lassitude of a nation that has not been nurtured to stand and deliver to her
full potential. As the indiscipline spilled over on the football field in
Arnett Gardens last Monday, the politicians were hustled away by their security
detail, leaving their hapless followers to fight each other.
We know our politicians know better, so we are
asking them to stop playing these dangerous games with our people. Try integrity
and productivity – hold yourselves to a higher mark, so that the sacrifices of
Garvey and all our other National Heroes will not be in vain.