I'm sorry for keepin' ya up late.
But, I wanna know
If'n you're too busy, I can wait.
You see Grandma's been forgettin'
A lot of things. Mamma says so.
She forgot my name, today, Mr. God,
And she's a walkin' kinda slow.
Yesterday, she jest left
Without even sayin' bye.
Daddy brought her back and
He had a tear in his eye.
So, I was wonderin', can you fix her?
She has somthun' called 'all tizers', Daddy said.
She forgets who we are sometimes,
And she forgot that Grandpa's dead.
Mr. God, you give her a new brememberer
'Cause I miss her playin', and stuff, with me
And the cookies she used to bake.
And, she was so smart, wasn't she?
She used to talk 'bout you a lot.
Now, she jest talks to herself and,
Mr. God, she don't know herself
From the pictures on the shelf.
Sometimes, she calls me 'little boy'
And pats my cheek or hair.
And she don't seem to care.
Please, Mr. God,
Will ya fix her, all new again,
A'fore she gets lost and
Can't bremember where she's been?
She ain't sang a Jesus song
Like I like to hear her to do.
Daddy says 'cause she is getting old.
But, she's not as old as you.
Daddy says you never forget and
You are older than anyone, anywhere.
Mamma says, "All we can do is
Bremember her in prayer.
So, Mr. God, I'm jest askin'
'Cause I don't know how to pray.
'Cause you un'erstand what I try to say.
Does Jesus have a Grandma
And does she forget people, too?
I guess she would be your Mommy
And wouldn't she be older than you?
Well, I gotta go to bed.
Would ya keep Grandma safe, O please,
So as she won't wander off and get lost?
She forgets her hat and coat,
and she could freeze.
I love her lots and
I wish she bremember I'm her little Andy
And bake some good cookies for me,
And even share my candy.
Tell my friend, Jesus, I was here and
Give Him a hug from Grandma and me.
She used to know Him and I heard her say,
"Thank you, Jesus, for little Andy."
Good night, Mr. God. Are ya tired?
You work so hard all day.
I'll be back a'morrow, to visit,
Before I go out to play.
- via my friend Patsy Lee