by Jean Lowrie-Chin | excerpt from Jamaica Observer column | 6 April 2015
A weeping student at the university in Garissa, Kenya receives assistance |
WE headed to Good Friday and Easter services and were moved as we
contemplated the foundation of our faith, the crucifixion, and
triumphant resurrection of Jesus Christ. We were emotional as we
reflected on the news that 147 Kenyans, the majority of them students,
were massacred at their college by terrorists because of this very
faith. A student who escaped said they were asked about the Koran, and
those who could not answer were shot in the back of their heads. It is
understood that a room where Christian students gathered for morning
prayers was targeted.
The challenge to us is to ensure that we do not allow such incidents to
prejudice us against people of differing religions. Those murderers are
criminals, and good people of the Muslim faith in Kenya have joined with
Christians to condemn the horrific acts of al-Shabab, the group that
has claimed responsibility for the murders.
Our challenge is to make this love we profess for God and our neighbour
into a practical and focused instrument. Clearly, such groups as
al-Shabab and ISIS are using clever marketing to win over new recruits.
Three British schoolgirls secretly planned their exodus to Iraq via
Turkey last month, while only a few days ago, two women were arrested in
New York for signing up to become suicide bombers.
Christian churches around the world must dry their tears and make their
message of Christian love so attractive, so riveting, that our love
campaign will recruit millions and win over benighted souls.
As we look at films on the life of Christ, we understand the suffering
and the risks taken by the apostles who travelled widely after His death
to spread His good news. Most of them suffered and died like Him, but
His church prevailed. Now it is under dangerous siege in several
countries, and all who call themselves Christian must use all our
God-given talents to plan and provide security and shelter to our
brothers and sisters.
you are basically advocating for another prayer breakfast. wouldnt it
prove more beneficial to demand accountability from those in power now?
Well , we have many Religions and a number of Gods. Love was supposed
to be coming from our heats, but sometime ''Love takes a flight ,'' as
we are drawn to religious dogmas. We have seen the bloodshed and there
seems to be no stopping anytime soon.
The words of John Lennon. in his song ''Imagine there is no Country etc /'' must have gone by the way side .
Yea mon, ah whole heap of people prays daily , but that alone can't
do a thing ! You have to use your God given senses to make life
I pray too, but know fully well that God will answer, when
he wants and however he wants. In the mean time common sense affi rule
whatever I am doing . .
"Tell me all your thoughts on God...I'm on my way to see HER"...I'm
happy my God would be female, if I ever had need for one...!!!
God does not give everything that we think we want. Sure enough we
have to be satisfied that his mother is a woman, it looks like that is
the best we will have.
When ,his son, Jesus met a '' a Samaritan woman ,'' at the well, in conversation he did say who is God.
Read John 4 : 7-24 { KJV } Jesus said that God is a Spirit and they
that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth. { I think
Jesus should know and I have reason to trust him }
The gender of
God is not that crucial,since he is Spirit . Mi Glad say he is Spirit,
because if he was not he could not have saved me from my bosom close
enemies !
Jean Dearest, there is no difference between an American, al-Shabab
or ISIS bombing/massacre...All are designed to cause major murder &
mayhem...Religionists are "warriors" for their religion & all
religions have been guilty of major crimes against humanity, as they
grab for turf...All RELIGIONS. Look at the crimes the jews have
committed against the Palestinians...If God was for real, such crimes
would/should not go unpunished but...
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