Monday, April 19, 2021

Happy 20th Anniversary Digicel‼️

Denis O'Brien with children at Stella Maris Foundation - it was with the assistance of Digicel Foundation that Stella Maris was able to purchase their headquarters. 
Today is also Mr O'Brien's Birthday - bless his generous heart.

except from Jamaica Observer column published 19 April 2021

by Jean Lowrie-Chin

I remember the evening of April 19, 2001 when after months of planning, Marketing Manager Harry Smith and I were going over the programme for the Launch of Digicel at the Pegasus Hotel.

"Oh my Lord Harry," I exclaimed. "We don't have 'Prayer' on the Programme!" 

"Alright," said Harry, "If you write it, I will say it." I wrote the words purposefully, asking God for His blessing on this brave new company. I believe God heard us, and indeed that through His grace, Digicel Chairman Denis O'Brien became the answer to many prayers.

Overnight, even the humblest Jamaican could afford a phone. Micro-businesses could restock easily, live-in household workers could stay connected to their families, seniors could call for assistance in emergencies.

 It was exciting to attend the launch of Digicel in Trinidad, Barbados and Haiti, and to see the energy of the teams including our own Jamaicans rolling out the networks in the 32 countries in the Caribbean, Central America and the Pacific.

The Digicel Foundation was launched in 2004, and has funded islandwide projects for education, special needs and community development to the tune of over $60 billion. The most moving area of its operations has been the building of special needs schools which ensure that no matter what learning challenges our children face, they are given a chance to achieve their full potential. In addition to Jamaica, Digicel Foundations have been established in Haiti, Papua New Guinea and Trinidad & Tobago, and have contributed to positive outcomes for over 3 million people to date.

 Denis O'Brien was inducted as an Honorary member of the Order of Jamaica and received the Honorary Doctorate from UWI in 2015. "The proudest part of all of that we have achieved over the years is that, as a company, we have our roots here in Jamaica," he said in his commencement speech to UWI graduates. "Without hesitation, Jamaica is the cornerstone of Digicel growth and development of all our 32 countries."

Here's wishing Digicel a happy 20th anniversary and many more great years.

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