Friday, June 26, 2009

Ian Martin's Tribute to Michael Jackson


In 1972 when I first heard the song "Ben", there was no doubt in my mind that the song would indeed make it to the top of the hit parade. Today, the song remains my favorite Michael Jackson's song.

Three years later Michael visited Jamaica as part of the family singing group known as the Jackson 5. One night during the family's visit to Jamaica, they dined at the Golden Dragon Restaurant which was located at Mona Plaza in Liguanea. Being a regular patron at the restaurant, I happened to stop by that night to place an order, not knowing that the family had been there dining.

No sooner than I entered the restaurant, a restaurant employee and next door neighbor who seemingly had struck up a good rapport with the Jackson family summoned me over to the lengthy table which was set up and specially configured for the family and their entourage. I had an opportunity to secure autographs from the family members, but regrettably I let the chance passed me by.

Michael subsequently grew into a superstar; and whatever the other Michael (Jordon) was to a basketball court, Michael was to a dancing floor. He made his moves looked so easy. However, his moves came with a non-communicated warning that any attempt by anyone to try any of those moves would be at one's own peril. His waist-slithering and foot-shuffling moves often leave his fans mesmerized.

Michael gave new meaning to the dance known as the moonwalk. In 1983, at the Motown 25th Anniversary Celebrations, he brought the house down with what many believe to be the performance of his life. The gloved one, appearing as to be defying gravity, danced his way off the stage much to the amazement of the audience. The performance earned him a phone call and commendation from Fred Astaire, considered in some circles to be the greatest dancer of all time.

Ironically, Michael often expressed during interviews that he never lived a normal childhood life, yet there can be no denying that during his childhood he filled the hearts of many especially that of his generation with joy.

Songs like, "ABC", "I'll Be There" and "Rockin' Robin" to name a few was very popular with Michael's generation.
As a fan of Michael I would like to wish his friends, fans, relatives and family my deepest sympathy. He may be gone, but just like him I "Never Can Say Good-bye".

Ian Martin
Brooklyn, New York

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