Monday, September 21, 2015

Sidjae says 'It's your ship!'

Message from Sidjae Walia  ...

Good day leaders,

Valuing Your Team

This weekend I had the pleasure of attending a keynote address by Mike Abrashoff, author of the bestselling book It's Your Ship! Mike shared his strategy and leadership style that transformed one of the least battle-ready ships with one of the highest turnover rates in the Navy into a Spokane award-winning ship for battle readiness with a near perfect retention rate. His 'magic bullet' was to have conversations with each member of his 310 member crew to better understand their goals and to see how he could help them to achieve them. Each crew member was treated with respect and dignity and reminded that rank does not make anyone more important than another. He further instilled a sense of ownership among crew members to take care of the ship, be diligent about their duties, and not be tied to only their tasks. When individuals are valued, they are willing to go the extra mile for you. When individuals take ownership, they are willing to go the extra mile for the organization.

What conversations have you had with your team in recent times? How have you demonstrated that you value their input and you are interested in their goals? What steps can you take to help your team members take ownership of their responsibilities and be willing to go the extra mile?

To Your Unlimited Possibilities,

Sidjae Walia
Training that expands your mind and life
"The mind, once expanded to dimensions of bigger ideas, never returns to its original size" - Oliver Wendell Holmes
Twitter ID:
(647) 927 9289

*If these nuggets ring true for you and your team, please contact me to assist you. I provide training and coaching in leadership development, team building, and sales. I am also certified to administer the MBTI for individuals and groups. Give me a call if you are interested in learning how your personality impacts your work, team, and personal life.*

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