Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Klao Bell-Lewis on Father HoLung's Productions

Father Holung's series of religious plays and musicals are the most unique and significant theatre productions in Jamaica and provide an unparalleled space for amateur and professional artistes.  It is probably the only production that is guaranteed to have a sold out audience every time AND succeed at the National Arena!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Some of the actors are known secular performers and although the subject matter is biblical, the interpretation and expression of the actors who bring the characters to life cannot be labelled Christian or secular.
Where else can accommodate the magnificent set and props. I eagerly look forward to the moment when the grand entrance is made of whatever large prop is used. This year, the audience was treated to three!!! Exciting stuff.  Not to mention this is the closest we have to a Jamaican opera from which musical CD spin offs with 100% original lyrics and score are made available for posterity. Such a rich cultural feature!!!!
Klao Bell-Lewis PMP
Communications and Project Management Consultant
Skype: klao.bell.lewis
LinkedIn http://www.linkedin.com/profile/view?id=69573135&trk=tab_pro

Klao Bell-Lewis PMP
Communications and Project Management Consultant
Skype: klao.bell.lewis
LinkedIn http://www.linkedin.com/profile/view?id=69573135&trk=tab_pro

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