Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Achieving a National Target only by the grace of God

Message from Dr Lucien Jones
Convenor, National Road Safety Council

As we "celebrate" the " success of achieving the BELOW 300 target - latest available figure 258 - , in respect of road fatalities during 2012. And as we give thanks to God for all those who helped in making this happen . And as we mourn with those who suffered loss during the year. And as we plan for the future, let us remember the words which form the final section of a three part prayer which I have been blessed to pray each morning on arising for many years.

The prayer was written by Jacob Boehme ( 1575-1624) an influential German Lutheran Mystic. The General Caption of the Prayer is : " A Morning Watch".

On Going to Work

Give me, dear Lord, a pure heart and a wise mind, that I may carry out my work according to your will. Save me from all false desires, from pride, greed, envy and anger. Let me accept joyfully every task you set before me.
Let me seek to serve the poor, the sad, and those unable to work. Help me to discern honestly my own gifts that I may do the things of which I am capable, and happily and humbly leave the rest to others. Above all, remind me constantly that I have nothing except what you give me, and can do nothing except what you enable me to do.

Comment: This morning, in particular, I was struck by the awesome truth contained in the final sentence. There is a reason for this, and it has been building up for a couple of days now. It has a name. Humility. A topic about which the Lord has been speaking in various ways, and about which I will write in another forum. I pray God that by His grace, I will learn more and more about this truth and manifest it in my life. And this is my prayer for all who may read this note inspired by the Lord during my devotions this morning. That we have nothing except what the Lord gives us, and we can do nothing except what He enables us to do. Amen.

Sent from my BlackBerry® device from Digicel

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